Holistic and Mindful Parenting

By: Muhammad Tayyeb Siddiqui, Country Director Xponential Coaching
Children are the most beautiful and one of the greatest blessings of Allah SWT for their parents. Allah SWT has bestowed unconditional love to parents for their children. All parents want to grow their children holistically so that they can fulfill all their developmental needs.


In today’s fast-paced, rapidly changing society, many parents find themselves tackling their career pursuits, handling different types of societal pressures, and fulfilling only the material needs of their children. Despite having a deep-rooted desire to nurture their children holistically, the challenges of modern life often lead to unintentional oversights and ignoring fundamental aspects of child development. The prevalent influence of technology and social media distractions also hinder the ability of parents to provide a favorable environment for the holistic growth and development of their children.


As a result, parents are facing and complaining about various types of behavioral problems in their children. The common complaints are addiction to gadgets, aggressive attitude, lacking confidence, family violence, improper eating habits, lack of interest, mood tantrums, sibling rivalry, emotional imbalances, lying, greed, complaining behavior, and imbalanced life, etc. These problems are universal, and parents are concerned around the globe.

Is parenting a complicated process?

As the children are the precocious gift from Allah SWT for the parents, it is the primary responsibility of the parents to provide a healthy and favorable environment for their children’s holistic development and growth. While parenting has become challenging, it remains an enriching and rewarding journey. Despite the challenges and complexities of raising children, the process is filled with joy, contentment, and reflective connection. Parenting also provides a unique opportunity for personal growth, learning, and deepening the bonds with spouse and children.


Holistic and mindful parenting under the guidance of Islamic teachings is the solution for the holistic growth of children. For a holistic and mindful parenting, we should know about the following:

  1. Understanding children
  2. Understanding a child’s developmental needs
  3. Your role as a parent
  4. Knowing & grooming yourself!
  5. Healthy spouse relationships

In our forthcoming blogs, we’ll discuss these topics in more detail In Sha Allah. At Xponential Coaching, we are excited about empowering parents to nurture and develop their children. Our resources, including blogs, videos, and podcasts, will provide valuable insights and practical tips for the grooming and development of the parents themselves and guidance for their children’s holistic growth and development.

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Xponential Coaching is a group of Mars Venus Certified coaches dedicated to unleashing the potential of individuals and organizations through coaching for exponential growth. Please request a free evaluation call.